Far beyond barbie - Robi Martin

Words by Kathy Cunningham

Still images and 360 by Neil Jones

Does everyone have a Happy Place? Somewhere that makes you feel safe, joyful, peaceful and where time does not matter? It could be quiet nook or in the middle of Grand Central Station at rush hour. It might be by the sea or in a library. Maybe it is in a noisy café where the smell of coffee soothes or it’s the sound of a field of corn swaying in the wind that makes you feel good.

Robi’s Happy Place is anywhere as long as she has her collection of stunning, unique, artistic and couture clad dolls nearby. These are not your everyday Barbie by any stretch of the imagination.

Robi’s dolls come is satin-lined pink boxes and are as much collectibles as they are pieces of art.

Ivory was the first one who wore a gold bustier, read tights and feathers and looked like Marlene Dietrich. From there it grew to dozens and dozens of dolls – all very different and with their own personalities.

The Diva Doll is from Thailand and another means ‘butterfly’ in Japanese. All the dolls have names and personalities – some sassy, others are sexy all are exquisitely dressed with an attention to detail that leaves the viewer in awe. Each doll is telling a different story and most feel like they are an extension of Robi.

You can see and feel Robi in these dolls. Some are glamourous and some are vivacious, while others are bold or cheeky. One is wearing lace up leather while another is reclining on the rope and tassel chair with a cocktail in her hand.

It is the detail and care that catches your attention. The luggage that when opened you find silk lined pockets and a makeup mirror. The handbags are designer, the jewellery, hats, furniture, shoes and wigs are old Hollywood glamour with each doll telling a special story.

Robi became friends with William and Marcus in London who make the Emperis dolls. Miss V is her all-time favourite, but don’t tell her other dolls that. Miss V is a one-of-a-kind piece of art with attitude painted on her face. And, because of the relationship Robi has developed with the Emperis team, she is the reason that Apollo dolls are being made with freckles and a penis. The male dolls are currently outselling the female dolls.

“I enjoy them all and get lost for hours by getting the lighting just right, the poses perfect and matching the accessories with the different outfits to almost make the dolls real,” explains Robi.

Have you read ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’? If you haven’t, read it. If you haven’t read it in a while, read it again!

“Many people do not have a passion. I call my Happy Place my obsession. When I was living in The States, I would have a package delivered every day with a new outfit, new accessories, or a new doll. This is my playtime as I search for that one outfit, acquire it then wait for it to arrive. It’s the sense of anticipation that keeps me interested in and curious about my dolls.

“I am hyper-active and antsy yet I can focus and sit for hours while I design and sew a golden ballgown with crinoline skirt and jewelled bodice for one doll, then create a backdrop that helps produce the scene I want, then post on social media as a community of people follow me and my dolls.”

It is like a medical procedure just to place a bracelet on the arm of a doll and the intricate details matter. “The dolls are beautiful to look at and there’s a lot of joy in the room. This is my Happy Place,” says Robi.

Sometimes there are themes – an All-White party or Halloween. When outfits are changed, the dolls, with a variety of skin tones, are taken back to naked and the hair is chosen first. They never wear the same outfit twice.

Robi loves these dolls so much that she had a tattoo painted on her back of the Emperis doll. Whatever your passion, obsession or joy, having a Happy Place is important.