UP NEXT……….. Issue 5


When was the last time you went on an awesome adventure, epic vacation or holiday of a lifetime?

Ok… when was the last time you felt safe from covid to go anywhere?


Maybe the northern hemisphere is handling travel during covid differently from New Zealand; our borders have been closed for two years and many kiwis want to, need to and are ready to travel.


Aaaah! The different variety of taste sensations in Vietnam, the sway of a calypso band on a Caribbean beach while watching the sunset and sipping a cocktail, shopping in an underground mall in Dubai while enjoying Michelin star dumplings, the sounds of the NYC subway, street hawkers in Bali, the humbling silence when watching the northern lights. And, the list goes on!


What do you love most about travel?  What is your worst travel nightmare? Where would you love to travel to in 2022? Where is your favourite place on the planet?


Travel brings us together. Travel gives us stories. Travel provides an understanding of culture, history, people, religion, war and cuisine. Travel allows us to learn and grow and rest and play.


Do you enjoy travelling solo or with friends and family? Do you have stunning images that capture the magic of a vacation or holiday?


Tell us about what travel means to you in pictures and/or words. Please contact one of the team for details.